Thursday, 13 December 2012

Taken Analysis (Note Form)


This was harder to analysis than I would have believed, mostly because none of the action starts within the first 15 minutes. 

I did get. Home movie footage - with strange cuts and mechanical cutting noises. Grainy, to make it look old? makes it seem off? The soundbridge to a lonely man in dark room. Singles him out as important character, either good or bad? looking at picture of girl? girl in the video? Sounds he makes are enhanced to show the silence of his room. Simple title sequence, 'Taken'. Close up on the machine. Then close up on machine wrapped up, making sure it's wrapped properly, OCD tendency? 

Loud party music? Normality of party? makes the next sense more tense? Sad music to represent the feelings of Bryan? Sound bridge from party to his flat again.

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