Wednesday, 12 October 2011


Last Wednesday we went over sound, and this lesson we finished it, I have learnt that there are many types of sound in film and that it is more in depth that just dialogue, sound effects and music. I learnt that there are two types of music and sound: Diegetic and Non-Diegetic. Diegetic is the sound which is heard within the world of the film, and is heard by the characters. Non-Diegetic is the sound which is added afterwards, but not heard by the characters only by the audience.

Films often use non-diegetic sound when it comes to adding an soundtrack, or tune. It is not like the character can hear the music themselves. We also talked about ambient sounds, which are the natural sounds in a scene, these help to set the scene, be it in a urban city or an western setting. Sound effects are often added, to emphasize the scene; such as in an explosion the noise of the explosion is added later.

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